24 April 2013

As I ready myself to head outside for W2D1

upon noticing that my neon bra can be seen through my tanktop (hey--it's 76 degrees here in PDX!)....

Well, if someone really wants to stare at the fat girl's chest as she is heaving and puffing in her attempt at jogging--GO.FOR.IT.

23 April 2013

The one where I overate to near explosion.....

Yep.  Two thumbs pointing at me....blargh...two steps forward and about five back....Now my gut hurts and the food high is nearly gone.

22 April 2013



L's in Germany for the next week.

I ate like crap this weekend, resulting in a 3.4 + weight gain.

It was a beautiful day outside today.  I completed Week 1 Day 2 today for C25K, but struggled so much with it (I HATE HILLS), that I didn't go any further/walk any farther than I had to--I was DONE at the end of the workout.

Special K cracker chips are the devil.  Should not have bought them, opened them, ate them.  Now I want to eat the whole box.

My dad made chex mix for L, and puppychow for us.  DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT.  IT IS SO GOOD.  I tried to hide it in the freezer, but I still know it is there.

I was so hungry tonight, that I tried to slow the shoveling of my food by using my fingers on the hot food.  Now I just have semi-burned fingers. FAIL.

Happy Monday to me!

18 April 2013


I have this awesome friend...we lost touch because I can be a douche, but that is over, and I am lucky she forgave me....well, anyway, I get this message on facebook on Tuesday:

I am starting this today!!! On run/walk days I am going to do the running routine where I run for 15-20 seconds of each minute and walk the rest and do that for 30 minutes! Maybe we can do Sunday runs/walks together? I figure it would be silly to try and meet up everyday, since you are driving so much. No worries if you dont want to do this training plan or if you dont want to start right away. But i was thinking... if you wanna do it, maybe we could do sunday mid morning run/walks together. Maybe like 11? that way we can sleep in have breakfast or hang out at home and then get a work out in before lunch?!I am sure you already have a work out routine that you are doing. and believe me, i turned down people when I was in my routine. It is so hard to get into a habit, so if you already have a routine...... NO WORRIES. I just really gotta start doing something daily and you were the first person I asked to see if you wanted to do it together.
So then I sent:

  • FUN!! I am going to try to do Couch to 5K again--but I will for sure do Sundays whatever plan with you!!! I am going to sign up for the Color Run with my next paycheck--the 9:30 start time?
 To which she replied:
 What is the couch to 5K? is it a training schedule? I wanna do it!!! And i wanna do the color run with you!!!! all i saw was the september run? is there another color run sooner than that? send me a link to whatever you sign up for and I will do whatever you do! sorry i am being so eager! I just get really excited about this kind of stuff!!!
And then:
  • You can just tell me to calm the fuck down if i am getting too annoying
And then:
okay so i just re read all my messaged to you. and i need to calm the fuck down. haha. i get too worked up. hahahaha. im going to step away from the computer. ive just been so depressed lately that having something i can look forward to that makes me feel better is overload right now. haha. i just really like you and i love that were hanging out again and i get excited when people are into the same thing and .... okay..... im done... walking away... .atleast for a few hours.
Which basically made me pee my pants because it was EXACTLY what I needed.  Her fired-up-ness prompted me to actually do C25K W1D1 today.  I went 2.39 miles today in 36 minutes, and it was awesome.  I wanted to die when I was jogging, but it still felt awesome.  My Vibrams make me want to run like Phoebe though, and when I was on flat surface, I stepped it up a notch--at least in the first few running busts--by the last two I wanted to stop and cry.  

But anyway, I am super excited to have the support I have in my life right now--it really comes at a perfect time--when I really do need it.  Today I really wanted to leave work early, drive to A&W, get some cheese curds, drive to Burgerville and get a shake and fries and a burger.  I'm not sure why, but I did.  I didn't though.  I stayed until 3:30, ate my minneola in the car as usual, drove my 60 plus minutes because of stupid traffic, put on workout clothes, and went out for the week one, day one workout.

I did then, immediately when I got home, gorge myself with a pile of asparagus, quinoa, and grilled chicken.  And I am thinking about a single-serving chocolate chip cookie...13 points and all....

16 April 2013


My trivial weight-loss issues seem beyond lame in light of what happened in MA  yesterday.  :(  I'm glad that Shelbi is ok--though her story scares the bejeebuz out of me--and I knew my aunt and cousin steer clear of running and the city for the most part, so I knew they wouldn't be in the area, but I am lucky.

Thoughts are with the running community and families impacted by stupid, violent, thoughtless people.

10 April 2013

I'm BACK BIT%$ES!!!!

And it feels GOOD!!!
Sun is shining and it is windy and beautiful!

Kicking it for the first time in my neighborhood with my Vibrams!
Not too bad considering the hellish hills!
I can tell I am out of shape.

Right where I want to be!

09 April 2013

1 oz of gouda=my treat today!

My husband is in Vegas to work for the week (truly, he works.  He gets super tired and crabby being all social for the week since he is a techie-guy that doesn't have to interact with people so much--three solid days of it wears him out!), so tonight I grilled chicken for the rest of the week--weighed out portions, and mixed up some of his chimichuri with 1/2 c of quinoa.  Had some roasted cauliflower and a slice (1oz) of the most delicious Gouda that you could ever imagine.  We had a dinner extravaganza with another couple, and L went all out--including the Gouda of amazing that my husband fell in love with in Germany.  It is HEAVEN.  Of course I didn't portion control this weekend.  1 oz is 3 points.  DAMN.  But OH SO GOOD.  I was craving some fatty cheezy carby dish salivating on my way home, so this is my compromise.  I really do need to go do school stuff--I've been neglecting it in my rigorous healthy eating.


08 April 2013

Full--in the good way!

I had forgotten how good it feels to eat well and be full in the healthy sense--filled with good-for-me foods, rather than junky processed crap!
My dinner=
1/2 of a gigantic sweet potato (that, in baking, caused my smoke detectors to go off 8 times)
1/3 C black beans
1/3 C frozen corn
3/4 C sauteed mushrooms and onions
 zuchinni roasted 
~8 points
And I wasn't able to eat it all.   I have at least 1/3 left.   So. Delicious.

Why don't I stay on this track?

Oh yeah, it is hard, takes planning, preparation, motivation, dedication, and desire.

I've got the desire back.  Planning and prep went well on Sunday, but I still need to keep pushing myself to do my best.  

07 April 2013


Counted all the wine last night....and estimated the dinner.  The rosemary bread I made and the mini-buttermilk biscuits weren't as high in points as I anticipated! YAY!

Two salads made for this week's lunches.  Fruit cut up.  Need to get some groceries to get a few more meals pre-made.

Now, I really need to think about a workout plan.

06 April 2013

Can't wait

For the hungry-all-the time to go away!!

Did really well this week--except today we are having a dinner gathering and my husband is making the "most delicious" dinner ever, that of course has whole milk, cheeses, and who knows what other amazingness.  Good thing I have all my weekly points as well!

Tomorrow's goal=grocery shopping and meal/snack prepping for the week.