03 October 2011

Pulling myself out of the funk...

And forcing myself to face the reality that my bad habits are truly detrimental to all aspects of my life.  I am grouchy, tired, sluggish, and a huge debbie-downer.  


Working out 4x a week isn't helping.  Especially since I am going to 4 weightlifting classes and doing no cardio because I hate cardio.  Nevermind what I eat.  Clearly, by the weight gain, I am not making good choices.  If I had a job, I'd be back to Weight Watchers.  For now, I will use MyFitnessPal to track my calorie intake, but I won't lie--it makes me VERY crabby.

Have I mentioned that I have no job, am getting married in 26 days, and I have gained nearly half the weight that I lost back?  W.T.F.?

As my dad so helpfully reminded me, I possess genes that, when stressed, rather than not eat, instead cause much overeating.  And not overeating of carrots and celery.

Bread, bread, ice cream, bread, carbs, some more carbs, jam, ice cream, and did I mention bread?

Ok.  New day.  Here I go.


  1. Yeah... I know what you mean. I've had two months of hell and I've stopped watching what I eat and I'm not working out like I should. But hooray for recommitment! I do myfitnesspal, too, and I love it. It's my swift kick in the ass each time I eat something.

  2. I am a WW leader and I struggle just like everyone does. Taking baby steps. The only person that can change what is going on is you. Work on yourself one day at a time. Quit kicking yourself in the butt and lets get going. You have 26 days and you want to look your best. You are the one that can change what is going on. No pitty parties. The very best to you.


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