My husband is in Vegas to work for the week (truly, he works. He gets super tired and crabby being all social for the week since he is a techie-guy that doesn't have to interact with people so much--three solid days of it wears him out!), so tonight I grilled chicken for the rest of the week--weighed out portions, and mixed up some of his chimichuri with 1/2 c of quinoa. Had some roasted cauliflower and a slice (1oz) of the most delicious Gouda that you could ever imagine. We had a dinner extravaganza with another couple, and L went all out--including the Gouda of amazing that my husband fell in love with in Germany. It is HEAVEN. Of course I didn't portion control this weekend. 1 oz is 3 points. DAMN. But OH SO GOOD. I was craving some fatty cheezy carby dish salivating on my way home, so this is my compromise. I really do need to go do school stuff--I've been neglecting it in my rigorous healthy eating.
Gouda is my FAVORITE!!!